Double double toil and rumble...Brace yourself for a No-Holds-Bard reimagining of William Shakespeare's Macbeth from the critically-acclaimed creators of SINK. New Orleans, 1984. Chuck Frenzy is the main event star of the local Louisiana pro wrestling territory, but yearns for something greater. A fateful encounter with a trio of terrifying beings in the Bayou gives Chuck a glimpse of championship glory beyond his wildest dreams...if he is willing to do something terrible to achieve it. Join writer John Lees (HOTELL) and artist Alex Cormack (SEA OF SORROWS) for a thrilling new vision of the classic tale of ambition and madness.
THE CRIMSON CAGE is a blend of Shakespearian drama, wrestling action and horror from AWA Upshot, by John Lees, Alex Cormack, Ashley Cormack and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou.